If you are like most people, you’ve probably wondered more than once if social media really works?
Everybody is talking about how you need to be on social media, but you have tried everything and still have not seen results. Clearly you have doubts if this could really work for your business.
A few days ago, I had the opportunity to attend a presentation about the big problem that businesses have with their social media strategy.
The speaker compared the resources, effort and investments that business make when promoting themselves in radio and TV, in contrast to social media.
The speaker explained how businesses set aside a larger budget for marketing in radio and TV and much less for their social media strategies.
The presenter concluded that is precisely the problem, in other words, businesses do not recognize the importance of social media and do not set aside a proper budget for it.
I would like to take the opportunity to talk a little more about this topic and go deeper, because it does apply to both small and medium sized companies.
In my opinion that is not the problem, because it doesn’t matter who you hire or how much you pay someone to manage your social media strategy if you as a leader or project manager do not understand what this person needs to do, or how to measure their results.
It is pointless, if you do not understand the strategy and don’t have a clear vision of what you need to do to achieve success.
In other words, it won’t matter how much you invest in your social media strategy, or who you hire if you are not be able to tell if they are doing a good job or not.
If you don’t understand how to solve the problem then it won’t matter how much money you invest in solving the problem, I’m sure that you might be telling yourself: “I disagree. If I hired someone to do the job why should I be involved? The reason why I’m hiring them is because I don’t even have time and I don’t want to be involved.”
And that is exactly the problem.
I want to show you some examples of how, without realizing it, you might have made the mistake of trying to solve the problem by hiring someone without taking the time to understand the problem or look for a solution.
Does social media strategy really work? Avoid this critical mistake that will drive you to failure
1. You might have hired a website designer
You might have thought that after having a website you would have people lining up ready to pay for your services. But not understanding how the Internet works is what set’s you up with unrealistic expectations.
2. You might have hired someone to create content for your blog posts.
You probably heard that having a blog can help increase sales.
Writing has never been one of your strengths, besides you also have a business to run.
And that’s precisely why you decided to hire someone who has experiences but after 6 months you still haven’t seen results.
3. You might have hired someone to manage your social media strategy or maybe to create content for social media.
If you are like most entrepreneurs, there are not enough hours in a day.
Maybe you decided to hire someone to create content, to manage your social media strategy because you thought you didn’t have enough time to do it yourself, because in the end planning and creating content would take too much of your time.
Before continuing, I want to share an infographic that illustrates: Does social media strategy really work? Avoid this critical mistake that will drive you to failure:
The business or person created content but still, you don’t see any results.
4. You might have hired someone to create a promotional video
Everyone talks about the importance of doing videos for your businesses, and you thought you might give it a try and make a video to see if it really produces the results people talk of.
The video now lives on your website and you also post them on your social media, however, it doesn’t have any views and you haven’t received a call yet.
The reality is you are wasting your time when you’re doing all these things if you don’t have a strategy or if you don’t know who your audience is.
But you probably already know that.
The only way that these will work, is when you have total clarity over what you are doing and why you are doing it.
This is also the reason why when you copy your competitor’s content you are wasting your time.
The reason why they are getting results it’s because they have clarity and this cannot be copied or mimicked.
Regardless of how much money you invest in solving the problem, the results won’t change unless you understand the strategy and know exactly what to expect in each step of the process.