Without the slightest doubt, Amazon has become the internet “store” where my family and I most frequently shop. Personally, I find it helpful to have consumer reviews when researching any product, as well as the ability to receive the product in 2 days, in the US. Lately, we even have received the orders the following day, shipped by a local private shipper.
Here are some recent news that have caught my attention.
The following article en Amazon Spain explains how Amazon is making big changes in its operation in Spain. Amazon has decided to open 1,200 establishments, where the client can choose to pick up his order, instead of receiving it by mail.
In addition, Amazon is offering same day delivery of selected items for Madrid residents, when orders are placed during a certain time frame.
And to cap it all, I read the following article Amazon to Open First Brick-and-Mortar Site that describes how this internet giant announces the opening of a store in New York. Obviously, the success attained in their website marketing is not enough for Amazon. In the New York store, people will be able to shop for Amazon designed products, like the Kindle, Kindle Fire, etc. The idea is to promote the Amazon brand. If this first physical store is a success, Amazon will probably continue to open new stores around the country.
These are excellent examples of the importance to adopt new strategies and incorporate changes, in order to innovate every day.
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